Pregnancy Week 4
So you are pregnant! What now?
You have come to the right place. Here is your week-by-week guide to pregnancy!
What’s been going on?
At week 4, you will only just have found out you are pregnant. Many women won’t even know they are expecting at this stage as their period will only just be due to start. Although you can say you are four weeks pregnant at this point, your baby hasn’t been growing for four weeks yet.
As your pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last period, the first two weeks take place before you have even conceived. Most women typically ovulate at around week 2 if they have a 28-day cycle so they won’t actually become pregnant until week 3.
Some early pregnancy tests can now pick up the hCG hormone which shows you are expecting baby before your period is even due. However, some women may find they don’t get a positive test result until their period is late.
However, the fact you are on this page would suggest that you’ve found out you are pregnant! Congratulations. You may be ecstatic about the news or you may be in a state of shock or even upset. One thing to remember, whatever you are feeling, you are not the first to feel that way and you won’t be the last! Any emotion you feel at this time in your life is pretty much normal!
At week 4 your baby is so tiny!
What does your baby look like?
Depending on the amount of days in your monthly cycle, you likely conceived around two weeks ago and your tiny human is currently no bigger than a pin head! Yet, in just nine months your gorgeous baby will be big enough to fill out a babygrow! How cool is that! Although your baby is only about 2mm long - the size of a poppy seed, they are growing at an unbelievable rate. The fertilised egg is dividing over and over to form all the different parts of his or her body, as it is getting itself comfy in the womb where all the growing will take place.
Your ever-so-tiny embryo is currently made up of three layers. Each of these layers will become different parts of your fully formed baby. The inner layer is called the endoderm and is developing into their digestive system, liver, and lungs. The mesoderm, found in the middle, is soon to form the heart, bones, kidneys, sex organs, and muscles. And the outer layer, known as the ectoderm, is the starting point for nails, hair, skin, eyes, and most importantly, their nervous system.
As the baby’s blood vessels start to form, their blood begins to circulate and helps with the development of their tiny heart. For the next few weeks, your baby is an embryo and takes all the nourishment it needs from the yolk sac. The outer layer of the yolk sac will soon start developing into the placenta, which will give your baby everything they need to develop and thrive. Once you are around 12-14 weeks pregnant, the placenta will be fully formed and ready to take over all the hard work.
What does 4 weeks pregnant feel like?
Most people won’t feel any different at 4 weeks pregnant as it is too early for many of the typical pregnancy symptoms to rear their heads. The likelihood is you won’t actually feel pregnant at this stage but this doesn’t mean your body isn’t busy growing your baby. So, sit back, take a big breath and relax as your body does all the hard work!
It is possible that you might be experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms though, even at this early stage. While the most obvious sign of being pregnant is missing a period, some women will notice a metallic taste in their mouths. Your breasts may feel more sensitive than normal and possibly even a little sore. You may also be more tired than usual, feel nauseous or notice that you no longer like certain foods which you would normally enjoy or that aromas smell much stronger than usual.
You are at the very start of an exciting journey and your body is about to go through a lot of changes. Stay with us and we will take you step by step through your pregnancy with a weekly update on what your tiny human is up to!
If you haven't already started taking folic acid, now is the time to start. There is no need to go out and buy expensive pregnancy vitamins unless you want to. The NHS recommends you take 400 micrograms of folic acid, 10 micrograms of vitamin D, and iron (if needed), all of which you can get hold of very cheaply or on prescription from your GP.
Now that you have had a positive pregnancy test result, contact your GP surgery to let them know and find out what the next steps are. They may book you an appointment with the community midwife or give you her details so you can get in touch yourself.
Your first antenatal appointment will take place at around eight weeks, which can feel like a lifetime away when you have just found out you are pregnant. If you have any concerns, you have an existing health condition or you take regular medication, contact your GP to ask their advice.